Mitákuye oyásiŋ!
For all my relations!
Taŋyáŋ yahí! (Welcome, it is good that you are here!)
Our shop is located in Dish With One Spoon Treaty Territory (Niagara Region, Ontario), and our family includes many Indigenous Peoples (aka First Nations/Native American) – Lakota, Mi’kmaq, Anishinaabe, and others…and many of the first French to land in what is now Canada & the US – who lived, loved and traded with many Nations as friends and relatives.
Kinnikinnick Trading honours these relations and serves community by trading in traditional health & wellness products/medicinals like White Buffalo Sage, Minigan Salve, and even some we’ve discovered from distant lands (like our poular, Dit Da Jow). Both old style trade goods and newer ‘lifestyle’ items – crafts, clay effigy pipes, pelts & skulls, carved stone, wood and leather. Most items are handmade, by Indigenous people, using sustainable, natural ingredients.
We offer exclusive Indigenous themed designs on T-shirts, hoodies, hats, mugs, under our UNCEDED brand.
You may find us at Pow Wow and other events in the summer; feel free to invite us to any event you think appropriate. If there is something you need to find, let us know, and we’ll see if we can acquire it for you!
As for the name, Kinnikinnick is a traditional smoking mixture (it contains no tobacco), common to many First Nations in the north – comprised of various plants like Bearberry Leaf, Willow Bark, Red Sumac, Lovage Bark – though it varies, depending on who is mixing it.
The word itself is Anishinaabemowin, and means “things that are mixed”.We chose this name to represent the “mixture” of cultures we represent, and items we provide.
Indigenous Veteran owned & operated. All items* are designed, harvested and produced sustainably by Indigenous people of Turtle Island.
*(some raw materials may originate outside Turtle Island).