23rd Annual Soaring Spirit Pow Wow (Hamilton)

Join us and celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day with Drums, Dancers, Cultural Demonstrations, Live Bands, Traditional Foods – and of course all manner of Artisans & Merchants! Visit our Kinnikinnick Trading tent for the best White Buffalo Sage, Minigan, Sweetgrass, Traditional Haudenosaunee Clay Pipes, Pelts, Trade Sliver, Beads and much more!

The event is located right by the Hamilton waterfront in Pier 4 Park (next to the Leander Rowing Club); as always parking & admission are FREE! The Pow Wow continues rain or shine…of course we are all asking for nice, dry weather!

Fri. June 21, 10 am – 10:30 pm / Sat. June 22, 10 am – 9 pm / Sun. June 23, 10 am – 4pm
(Note: many Merchants close by 6 pm Fri/Sat – live entertainment runs later)

  • Fri. 21 June, Sunrise Ceremony 7 am, Water Ceremony 9 am
  • Sunrise Ceremony Sat./Sun. at sunrise
  • Grand Entry at 12 noon Sat., 11 am Sun.
  • Community Feast & Live Indigenous music , Sat. night
  • Sat. Kiera Maracle Smoke Dance Special & Joe Shawana Dance Special


Host Drum: Spirit Vision SIngers
MC: Ralph Summers
Elder: Mawla Shawana
Head Dancers: Kiea Maracle & Owen Tallchief
Arena Director: Joe Shawana

FREE ADMISSION for all events/days!
Pier 4 Park, 64 Leander Dr., Hamilton, ON MAP

Each day will begin with a sunrise ceremony, promptly at sunrise. Friday will feature the first ever Indigenous Development Conference, “Breaking Down Barriers and Developing for the Future”. Other activities include a Indigenous Artist Trade show and Food Fair each day, with Indigenous Speakers and Presenters. The day will include traditional teaching and cultural workshops, starting with a sunrise ceremony and water ceremony. The evening will provide musical entertainment from Indigenous Musicians & Artists and other Talents with a family focus.

Saturday and Sunday, will be fun filled within a traditional Pow wow setting, celebrating drumming and dancing. Indigenous People from many Nations will present our various dances. The audience will be asked to participate in some of the dances to promote unity and respect. Artist, Crafters and Food vendors will be on site to exhibit and sell their wares. Saturday evening entertainment will include bands and other local talents.

Presented by Branches Of Native Development (B.O.N.D) – providing Aboriginal Artistic Cultural and Social setting to the Hamilton Indigenous Community and encouraging cross cultural & enhanced understanding of the Indigenous way of life, to understand our values & connection to Mother Earth and Turtle Island.

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