Already August

Already August

It’s already August 2021; where did the time go? Well, if you’re like the rest of the world, it’s burned away under the flood of pandemic, political and personal crises that have been more prevalent than ever in the last couple of years… We’ve been keeping busy…to better serve our customers! creating new designs for…

Heal Yourself & Others

Heal Yourself & Others

We’ve been busy refreshing our stock & ‘upgrading’ some of our packaging for our medicines. If you’ve used our Dit Da Jow before, you know it’s one of the best, natural, easy to use, pain relief medicines you will find – “2 drops, the pain stops”! If you haven’t tried it, now is the perfect…

Can You Bear It?

Can You Bear It?

Along with our “usual” goods, we have a few unique items for sale. Items may be picked up in Port Colborne, at our next event, or arrangements for shipping/delivery can be made at an additional cost. To purchase any of these items, contact us. HATS These are authentic Canadian fur hats, popular since before confederation!…

Time For Hats & Mitts

Time For Hats & Mitts

A November chill is in the air…time to break out the cold weather gear! We have two fur hats and four pair of mitts available – all handmade, all one-of-a-kind! The furs were all ethically/sustainably acquired by Indigenous hunters; prepared and sewn by a Haudenosaunee craftsman. The wool for the mitts comes from vintage, Canadian manufactured,…